Saturday, February 22, 2014

Winter's Tale

**Spoiler Alert** Director: Akiva Goldsman, Starring: Colin Farrell, Russell Crowe, Jessica Brown Findlay, William Hurt and Jennifer Connelly. I came into Winter's Tale expecting to loathe its make-believe hokum but my cynicism was promptly brushed aside the first half-hour of the movie. The previews promised a suffocatingly sentimental story but Winter's Tale has charm and mostly earns its tears. The fairy-tale nature of the movie arrives early. We see that the story pits good, old fashioned good vs good old fashioned evil; Colin Farrell vs Russell Crowe, essentially. Key to the fable is a princess-like beauty, played by Jessica Brown Findlay (she of Downton Abbey fame) who leaves Colin Farrell smitten upon first meeting him in 1895 New York City. Though she dies from consumption, leaving Farrell heartbroken, he finds himself magically transported to present day NYC where he hopes to reconnect to his past and solve a mystery connected to his deceased love. Hot on his heels is the evil crime-lord, played by Russell Crowe (hot is the operational word, for Crowe is a minion of Lucifer) who was once an associate of thief Farrell but has since become his enemy. The story leads to a predictable Farrell/Crowe showdown that involves the daughter of Jennifer Connelly, who is suffering from terminal cancer. Noone will confuse Winter's Tale with resonant cinema but it's sincere and sweet and the performances, particularly Farrell's and Crowe's, are solid. Unfortunately Hurt and Connelly suffer from underwritten characters and have very little to do in a film that belongs mostly to the adversaries. Too bad. Hurt can liven up any film with an eccentric performance while Connelly needs a substantial character to match her breathtaking beauty. I left the theater wishing I had seen more of both. Jessica Brown Findlay acquits herself admirably, striking some sparks with Farrell and giving her character some color if not nuance. I still enjoyed the movie and though I woudn't give the movie a ringing endorsement, I also wouldn't discourage a friend from seeing it.

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